Thursday, April 28, 2011
All In One
Assalamulaikum...rasa macam agak lama x update blog nie....agak sibuk dgn preparation untuk final exam minggu depan..huhu..rasa macam x cukup prepare pn ada..adoi...kepala aku sekarang serabut pkir macam2..dah la brapa lama dah x balik jumpa parent aku...ish2 apa nak jadi dgn aku nie..mama+ayah doakan mal dapat jawab final exam...lepas final aku trus sambung g jadi OC untuk FIST UNIKL (Foundation UNIKL) dkt kuala nerang..lepas seminngu jadi OC datang balik KL sambung buat short more time for me to free..kalau boleh aku nak habiskan belajar cepat2..nak kerja..xnak aku mengharapkan parent aku lagi...pray for me...pray for my success in life...dah la batuk x sembuh2 lagi..nie dah masuk sebulan lebih dah batuk..=(..hrap xmenggangu aku time final nnti..amin...
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Inspiration i dont have what to say much..just i get prepare my self for the final exam. To my fren waheeda don't strees to much studying..chill..but my self still dont have inspiration to study..quiz are comming same goes to the i need more time..that all gud nite malaysia...=)

Sunday, April 10, 2011
Assalamualaikum..thankz to all my fren yg vote gambar last i won the 1st place..=D

huhu..when can i bought my own are comming..but..i dont have my own can i take the job?....huhu..another exam i just 3 weeks more...i need more time to study..time are so packed...hope i can get DL again this time..insyaallah...pray for me...

this is the picture that i won the competition
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